chronic dysentery of cattle 意味

  • chronic dysentery of cattle


        winter dysentery of cattle:    winter dysentery of cattle ウシの冬季赤痢[医生]
        dysentery:     dysentery n. 赤痢. 【動詞+】 the bacteria that cause dysentery 赤痢の原因となるバクテリア have dysentery 赤痢にかかっている. 【形容詞 名詞+】 amebic dysentery アミーバ赤痢 virulent dysentery 悪性の赤痢. 【前置詞+】
        cattle:     cattle n. 牛. 【動詞+】 We bed the cattle on straw. 牛をわらの上に寝かせる brand cattle 牛に(所有者の目じるしの)焼き印を押す breed cattle for meat 肉用に牛を繁殖させる drive cattle to pasture 牛を牧草地に追っていく fatt
        amebic dysentery:    アメーバ赤痢{せきり}
        amoebic dysentery:    amoebic dysentery アメーバ赤痢 アメーバせきり
        attack of dysentery:    赤痢{せきり}の発病{はつびょう}
        bacillary dysentery:    細菌性赤痢{さいきんせい せきり}
        balantidial dysentery:    balantidial dysentery バランチジウム腸炎[医生]
        bilharzial dysentery:    bilharzial dysentery ビルハルツ住血吸虫性赤痢[医生]
        case of dysentery:    赤痢患者{せきり かんじゃ}
        children's dysentery:    children's dysentery 疫痢 えきり
        die of dysentery:    赤痢で死ぬ[亡くなる]
        dysentery antitoxin:    dysentery antitoxin 赤痢抗毒素[医生]
        dysentery bacilli:    赤痢菌{せきりきん}
        dysentery bacillus:    dysentery bacillus 赤痢菌 せきりきん


  1. "chronic disorder of the stomach" 意味
  2. "chronic doses" 意味
  3. "chronic drinker" 意味
  4. "chronic drinking driving" 意味
  5. "chronic drug intoxication" 意味
  6. "chronic dystonia" 意味
  7. "chronic economic difficulties" 意味
  8. "chronic economic stagnation" 意味
  9. "chronic eczema" 意味
  10. "chronic drinking driving" 意味
  11. "chronic drug intoxication" 意味
  12. "chronic dystonia" 意味
  13. "chronic economic difficulties" 意味

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